The image of Napoleon pointing onward reminds us that you can never go wrong studying in France. Perhaps more than any other country, the French take education seriously. The French teach one to think. Among the tools used is the "explication de texte", and one may be fortunate enough to study the works of Alain. In the course of French history, two systems of higher education have emerged: the historic universities, such as the Sorbonne (l'Universit� de Paris) and the Grandes Ecoles. The Sorbonne offers summer courses for foreigners in a variety of subjects, among which the French language figures prominently and is taught with the accustomed excellence of French instruction. As opposed to the bus tour of Europe, studying and living in one place allows one to become acquainted with a culture while enjoying its cultural treasures, such as museums, performing arts, monuments, libraries and historic sites with their "son et lumi�re" spectacles.